Thursday, 17 December 2015

Dr. Vikas Singla - An Experienced and Skilled Endoscopist in Delhi

Are you looking for a good Endoscopist in the city? Delhi is the capital city and heart of India. People from different cities come here to avail best treatment facilities, since it has best hospitals and clinics with latest and modern instruments.

Endoscopy is the latest technique used by an Endoscopist to view organs present inside the body and diagnose the diseases of digestive system or gastrointestinal tract (GI).

Different Training Modules an Endoscopist has to go through while studying

Going through such training is a difficult task and is not everyone's cup of tea. For becoming an Endoscopist, a physician has to go through extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to stomach, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine and biliary system. Apart from these training they need to gain deep knowledge and thorough understanding of motility of food through digestive tract and the digestion.

Processes Endoscopist is specialized in

An Endoscopist specializes in the diagnosis, evaluation, management and treatment of the signs and symptoms and conditions like digestive tract bleeding, certain cancers (pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer), liver diseases and several other diseases that are related to liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Best Known Endoscopist in Delhi

You might be aware of many Endoscopists in Delhi, but there is one with best hand on Endoscopic procedures. He is Dr. Vikas Singla, a prominent Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, Endoscopist & Endosonologist based at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi.

Academic History of Dr. Vikas Singla

He completed his graduation from Sardar Patel Medical College in 2002. Then he joined All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and worked there till 2011. He commenced his post graduation in the Department Of Internal Medicine in 2003, under the guidance of the venerated faculty of the AIIMS and learned the art of medicine for the next 3 years. There he dealt with medical emergencies proficiently and worked as a Casualty Medical Officer. Seeing his competence and hard work, he was selected for the reputable super specialization course in the department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, at AIIMS in 2007.

Trainings and Interests Dr. Vikas Singla has had

He gained training in an advanced tool, Endoscopic Ultrasonography, which is used for the diagnosis of abdominal diseases. He also has a keen interest in pancreatic and biliary diseases, liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and advanced endoscopic procedures. After gaining expertise and practice in so many fields, he is currently working in the Department of Gastroenterology at Sri Gangaram Hospital.

Gaining expertise and developing skills, he offers assistance to the patients with gastrointestinal tract and liver diseases. As an expert in diagnosing and treating all gastroenterological problems, he has maintained his integrity because of which he is considered as the best Endoscopist in Delhi

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Looking for Best Endoscopist? Visit Gangaram Hospital in Delhi

Are you suffering from gastroenterological problems? It is better to consult a endoscopist before your problems become more severe. If you are in Delhi then things might be somewhat easier for you as there are many endoscopists based all around the city. There are many multi-speciality hospitals in Delhi such as AIIMS and Gangaram hospital.
When we talk about an endoscopist, he is the person who uses endoscope to view inside organs and diagnose the diseases of Gastrointestinal Tract (GI) or digestive system. They specialize in the diagnosis, evaluation, management and treatment of the signs and symptoms and conditions like bleeding in digestive tract, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, liver diseases and many other diseases related to liver and gastrointestinal tract.
They undergo extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to stomach, esophagus, small and large intestine (colon), and biliary system. They have thorough knowledge and understanding of motility of food through digestive tract and digestion. Going through such training is a difficult task, so gaining such expertise is definitely not everyone's cup of tea.
Vikas Singla, a leading gastroenterologist and liver disease specialist did his graduation from Sardar Patel Medical College in 2002 and joined All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He commenced his post graduation in 2003. He did this under the guidance of the esteemed faculty of the AIIMS. There he learned the art of medicine for the next 3 years. Dealing with medical emergencies proficiently, he worked there as a Casualty Medical Officer. Seeing his caliber and hard work, he was selected for the reputable super-specialization course in 2007, in the department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, at AIIMS.

He is trained in Endoscopic Ultrasonography which is an advanced tool used for the diagnosis of abdominal diseases. He also has a keen interest in pancreatic and biliary diseases, liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and advanced endoscopic procedures. Having gone through extensive training and practice, he is working in the Department of Gastroenterology at Sri Gangaram Hospital. With his skills and expertise, he offers his services and assistance to the patients with gastrointestinal tract and liver diseases. Visit today or make an appointment at :-

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Dr. Vikas Singla - One Of The Best Liver Specialists At Sri Gangaram Hospital

Liver is considered to be the most important organ of our body. It is said that for proper functioning of the body your liver should work properly. Therefore it is very much necessary to consult a liver specialist whenever you face any problem related to it. But the first question that might come into your mind is that who are these liver specialists and for what diseases or problems can they be consulted?
The branch of medicine that involves the study of the gallbladder, biliary tree, liver and pancreas and deals with the management of their disorders or diseases is known as Hepatology. It is considered to be the sub-specialty of gastroenterology. There has been a rapid expansion of doctors specializing solely in this field. These doctors who specialize in this field are called as liver specialists or hepatologists.
Although there are numerous liver specialists in India but Dr. Vikas Singla is one of the best among those and is available at Sir Gangaram hospital in Delhi. He is the renowned liver specialist and Gastroenterologistin Delhi. He joined AIIMS and worked till 2011 after finishing his graduation course from SardarPatel Medical College in the year 2002. In 2003, from the Department of Internal Medicine he started his post graduation and learned the art of medicine under the guidance of the prestigious faculty at the premier institute of India for the next 3 years. He also dealt with medical emergencies proficiently while working as Casuality Medical Officer and was selected for the reputable super-specialization course, in the Gastroenterology and Hepatology department at AIIMS.
He did his research on Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease & Ulcerative colitis and published his research papers in International and national journals, while employed as the Research Officer in the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He has also delivered lectures in a number of National Conferences.
He was trained in an advanced tool called as Endoscopic ultrosonography that is used for the diagnosis of various abdominal diseases. He also has a keen interest in pancreatic & biliary diseases, liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and advanced endoscopic procedures.

He is currently working as Liver specialist and Gastroenterologist in the Department of Gastroenterology at Sri Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi. With his superior services and assistance, he is treats his patients with the problems of the liver diseases and disorders and also with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. He has gained so much expertise and skills in his work that consulting him for the liver diseases or gastroenterological problems is the best choice. You can also avail his services and get assistance from him by consulting him at Sri Gangaram Hospital.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Dr. Singla Offering Handpicked Treatments for Gastrointestinal Diseases in Delhi

Do you often suffer from diarrhea, constipation or abdominal pain? Consulting Dr. Singla could be an end to your problems. He is one of the best gastroenterologist in Delhi who provides the comprehensive treatment for your ailments and enables you to live a healthy life in future.
A common digestive problem such as heartburn, constipation, bloating and diarrhea causes daily suffering for millions and can limit a person’s quality of life. Generally people change their lifestyle and even seek help of natural remedies to get rid of such health issues. However, if symptoms keep coming back, or are red flag symptoms, medical advice should be sought.

Delhi being the capital city of India has a number of gastroenterologist who offer the world class treatment to the patients and helps them deal with the problem with ease. Dr. Singla being one of them offers world-class treatment to patients suffering from digestive problems.

Currently working as a consultant in Department of Gastroenterology at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, Dr. Singla, owing to his intelligence and hard work, was selected for prestigious super specialization course in the department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at AIIMS.
He is also trained in Endoscopic Ultrasonography which is an advance tool to diagnosis abdominal diseases. Dr. Singla gained vast knowledge in every field, as a lecturer his spreads his knowledge to other by teaching and educating them. He as an author has featured several articles which cherished him at both national and international level. He has also written textbooks for medical aspirants and students
Dr. Singla also own a private clinic wherein you can undergo UGI endoscopy, ERCP, colonoscopy, Endoscopic ultrasonography, Liver biopsy and FIbroscan, double balloon Enteroscopy & capsule endoscopy etc. On top of it, the clinic also provides curative treatments for 1. Stomach & Esophagus Diseases such as gastric cancer, Peptic ulcer disease, Gastroesophageal reflux 2. Pancreatic and gall bladder diseases- like acute pancreatitis, pancreatic tumors, gall bladder stone, and Common bile duct stone etc. 3. Intestinal diseases like Celiac disease, Colonic Polyps and cancer, and Irritable bowel syndrome.
Dr.Singla clinic is dedicated to the care of its patients through diagnosis, treatments and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Appointments to visit the Dr.Singla can be made online, so, whether patient wants to meet the doctor at the clinic or want to visit him at the hospital, he/she can book the appointment at either of the facility with mere a few simple clicks on the Dr.Singla website and get a curative treatment in minimum time.