Wednesday, 29 September 2021

An Insight into Diverse Types of Liver Tumors

There are many severe medical conditions associated with the liver, hepatic tumours being one of them. It basically refers to a type of growth occurring in or on the liver. Liver tumours can be divided into primary and secondary. In the former case, the tumour arises in the liver, while in the latter the tumour starts in some other organ but gradually spreads to the liver. No matter which of the conditions you are diagnosed with, it is important to consult the best liver specialist at Sir Ganga Ram hospital or some other renowned healthcare facility, for its treatment. 

The liver often becomes a site for metastatic tumours as it receives blood from multiple other organs. Hence, secondary tumours are way more prevalent than the ones developing in the liver itself. They can be either benign or malignant.

Benign liver Tumours

  • Hemangioma: This is the most common type of benign liver tumour. Even though they usually do not cause any major symptom, such tumours do lead to bleeding at times, and subsequently, have to be removed. 
  • Hepatic adenomas: Such epithelial tumours develop in the liver itself, and are usually seen among women using estrogens as contraceptives, as well as individuals taking steroids. These tumours are located in the right hepatic lobe and may cause extreme abdominal pain.
  • Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH): Such tumours generally develop due to localized hepatocyte response to underlying congenital arteriovenous malformation.

A malignant or cancerous tumour of liver

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma: This type of liver cancer develops due to chronic liver inflammation.
  • Hepatoblastoma: Developing in children and infants, this is a rare variety of malignant liver tumours. 
  • Cholangiocarcinoma: Comprising of mutated epithelial cells, this is also known as bile duct cancer.

Most of such tumours are metastases from other tumours, usually the ones developing in the GI tract. They may also spread from renal cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and more. 

Regardless of the specific type of liver tumour, you may have, their proper management and treatment are extremely crucial. For this purpose, you must contact the best liver specialist at Sir Ganga Ram hospital or any other leading medical centre. Due to the high severity of many liver tumours, you should try to get treated at the best possible facility.