Sunday, 14 January 2018

An Overview of the Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Conditions

Gastroenterology is a branch of medical science that deals with the diagnosis, management and treatment of digestive tract ailments.  The medical professionals practicing gastroenterology are called gastroenterologists, and they specialize in treating the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the organs from the mouth to the anus, along alimentary canal.

Any issues with the digestive system can lead to major ailments; as such it is prudent to visit a gastroenterologist at the onset of the slightest symptoms of digestive tract ailments. And, here’s a brief overview of the few symptoms of gastrointestinal conditions, which a person should watch out for and contact a renowned gastroenterologist in case of their occurrence:

· Heartburn: A person complaining of frequent heartburn for more than six months might need to be treated for gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD as such, at the onset of any such symptom it is always good to rush to a gastroenterologist. Heartburn basically implies to a burning sensation that is felt in the throat or chest of a person. In most cases this sensation occurs when the acid from a person’s stomach backs up into their esophagus.

· Inflammatory bowel disease: Also known as IBD, Inflammatory bowel diseases are basically a group of disorders. They include :
üChronic or severe pain in the abdominal area
üRectal bleeding
üHigh fever
üLoss of appetite
üSudden extreme weight loss
· Irritable bowel syndrome: In most cases, irritable bowel syndrome or IBS does not lead to any serious diseases. However, the presence of these symptoms can be quite irritable and may cause hindrance in the performance of the daily activities of a person.  Their symptoms are :
üAbdominal pain

If diagnosed at the right time, Irritable bowel syndrome can be managed with the help of a few definite lifestyle changes.

· Celiac disease:  This is basically an autoimmune disease, which hinders the capacity of one’s body to process gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.  The symptoms of celiac disease include :
üWeight loss
üStomach pain
üDepression or irritability
üRashes and blisters

Celiac disease can be easily diagnosed with the help of a simple blood test.

If a person suffers from the symptoms mentioned above, they should contact the best gastroenterologist Gangaram hospital or some other medical facility, at once. By receiving a proper treatment for gastrointestinal disorders, a person would be able to enjoy a healthy and a happy life. 

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